Pradeep Kumar Sharma

Pradeep Kumar Sharma (Founder)
"Very few people in this world are lucky enough to realize what they are good at and very very few out of them can make their passion into their profession and the rest, end up simply following the crowd.
I am the blessed one who knows what I am good at, and I have turned my Passion into my lively-hood and due to God’s grace I am doing good."
Endurance Personified! It isn’t that I am a bigmouth and that I like bragging, but I have come face to face with real life crisis and have braved them all. For no matter what happens in one’s life he sole has the capacity to choose his response to it. When the mind starts seeking for the positive in every circumstance, the life starts moving to its highest dimensions.
I believe destiny is destined for those who define it according to their own rules.
Success lies everywhere, only if you have the guts to grab it. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. No matter what, KEEP MOVING FORWARD, has been my motto and would always be. I had set an aim, a target for my life and am proud to say that I have well accomplished it . ROBOTICS has always been my passion and soon you’ll see me as a great INDIAN INDUSTRIAL HONCHO. My self belief, as some of my friends say, is my single strength which sets my plan of action to such a platform, which has a point of no return. My conviction, my friends and supporters and my DESIRE make me an achiever.
I am an emotional person at heart and value friendship more than anything. A commitment is meant to be kept at all costs and matters of the heart matter more than those of the mind. I can’t stand in dual nature and believe in nurturing relationships.
All in all I am an exuberance exuding person who has an aura of positive energy transcending over the humble nature and serene visage.
- B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering from College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Ag. & Technology, Pantnagar.
Professional Working Experience:
- 2.5 years work experience in Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. before founding Robosapiens.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Chairman RoboTryst-2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010. (A National Level Competition helds Every year at IIT Delhi)
- Chairman Robo-Opus-2011. (A National Level Competition held at IIT BHU)
- Founder Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. March 2009 - March 2014.
- Founder
- Delivered More than 100+ Workshops & Seminars on Robotics in all IITs.
- RoboTryst a National level Championship on Robotics helds every year at IIT Delhi.
Awards & Recognitions:
- Invented ‘SSBMC Security system Based on Mobile Communication’ Patented under Intellectual property rights Indian Patents Act 1970.
- 1st prize winner in National Level ROBOTICS CONTEST in Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in Techkriti 06.
- 1st prize in wireless Robot Designing Contest at Techkriti 07 Techfest IIT-Kanpur.
- 1st prize in Robo-Racing contest at TROIKA-07 Techfest Delhi College of Engineering.
- 2nd prize in Submarine Designing Contest at TROIKA-07 Techfest Delhi College of Engineering.
- Best innovation Prize by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay for designing Robotics Crane Model.
- 1st prize at IIT-BOMAY for ‘MINI-MOUSE’.
- 1st Prize in Autonomous Robot Designing Contest in Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.
- A research paper on ROBOTICS presented in COGNIZANCE 04, a National Level Science & Technology festival organized by IIT-ROORKEE.
- Continuously 3 times 1st prize winner in SanRACHANA. A modal designing contest in Colosseum.
- 1st Prize in TRACTION An Agriculture Machine Designed contest.
- Awarded by Honorable Vice-Chancellor of GBPUAT, Dr. P. L. Gautam.
- A special appreciation certificate By NCERT-Delhi in Science Fest.
- Junior Scientist Award by Ministry of Human Resources & Development Government of India in year 2001 & 2002 constantly.
- 1st Prize in State Level Science Exhibition in year 2002 in Dehradun.