Online Courses 2014-15
After analyzing the demand for these courses within student and working professionals. Robosapiens Technologies has introduced Online Courses for individuals who are looking to upgrade their career while learning through distance education. The course curriculum has been designed by professionals who are working on related field and involve in doing R&D. The course has been designed in such a manner wherein students can be benefited at most.
"Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is the underlying technology that powers state-of-the-art programs including utilities, games, and business applications. Java runs on more than 850 million personal computers worldwide, and on billions of devices worldwide, including mobile and TV devices. There are lots of applications and websites that won't work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere.. Lets Join SIP- JAVA to know more about it."
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Introduction to JAVA
- Understanding Requirement: Why Java
- Why Java is important to the Internet
2. Introduction to JAVA Virtual Machine
- Java Virtual Machine Architecture
- Class Loading Process by Class loaders
- Data Types, Variables ad Arrays
- Operators
- Control Statements
- Object Oriented Paradigms
3. JAVA classes and OOPS Implementation
- Class Fundamentals
- Command Line Arguments
- Learning Static Initializer
- Instance Variable Hiding
- Overloading and Overriding of Methods
4. Packages and Interfaces
- Defining a Package
- Understanding CLASSPATH
- Access Protection
- Importing Packages
- Fundamentals of Exception Handling
- Types of Exceptions
- Learning Exception Handlers
- Try and Catch
- Throw, Throws and Finally
5. I/O Sreams
- File Handling
- Binary Streams
- Character Streams
6. Networking
- URL, InetAddress
- Socket and Server Socket
- Datagram Socket, URL Connection
- Socket Factories
- Usage of Property file
- Define the Locale
- Resource Bundle
- Learning String Operations
- Learning Character Extraction
- Learning String Comparison
Robotics & Embedded ‘C’
"Robosapiens India, Now came up with SIP-2014 in Robotics with embedded ‘C’ using AVR microcontrollers. AVR microcontrollers are useful for many applications. A microcontroller is essentially a tiny computer and can be programmed to do many things. Input and output are handled through the numerous pins on the microcontroller. It is possible to hook up sensors, switches, lights, motors, and many other items to the pins, which allow it a great range of uses. Thus, AVR microcontrollers are often used for prototyping and robotics projects. Lets Learn Robotics with AVR microcontroller"
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Introduction to Robotics
- Future of Robotics
- Current Trends in Robotics
- Robtics Aplications
2. Basics of Electronics
- Practical Understanding of All Major Electronic Components
- Working with Resistance, Diode, Capacitor, LED, ZENER, Basic ICs
3. Embedded System Design
- Introduction to Micro Controller
- What is a Micro Controller? What’s Inside It? What Makes It an Embedded System?
- What are the Different Families of Microcontroller, Its Derivatives and Its Applications in Industrial Projects?
- Why AVR is the Most Widely Used Micro Controller Family?
4. Introduction to Microcontrollers and AVR Architecture
- This Session Includes Introduction to the AVR Series of Micro Controller, Especially Atmega 8/ATMega16/Atmega32
- Introduction to ATMega8/ATMega16/Atmega32 Features
- I/O Ports
- Data Registers
- Interrupts
- Timer/Counter
- External/Internal Clocks
- ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion Using uC)
5. Introduction to Embedded C Programming
- Embedded C-Programming for Microcontroller
- Introduction to C, Flow Control Statements, Functions
- Data Types, Operators and Expressions
- Program Structures and Debugging
- Program Burning and Execution
6. Interfacing of Peripherals to Microcontroller(Atmega 8/16)
- Geared DC Motor
- Stepper Motor
- Motor Driver
- Relays
- Solid State Drivers
7. Interfacing of Various Kind of Display Devices
- Displays
- Seven Segment Display
8. Interfacing Various Human Interface Devices with the Microcontroller
- Input Devices
- Switches
9. Interfacing and Study of Sensors to Enable Microcontroller to Acquire Environmental Data
- Sensors
- Color Sensors
- Light Sensors
- Sound Sensors
- Touch Sensors
- Temprature Sensor
10. Project Building and Implementation of Ideas
- Designing
- Development
- Programming and Customizing
- Debugging
11. Projects Covered
(Total 21 Built in Robotics & AVR Applications in Just 30 Days)
- Black Line Follower using Two IR-Sensor
- white Line Follower using Two IR-Sensor
- Intelligent Line Following Robot
- Sound Operated Robots(Turn when Clap, Stop when Clap, Start when Clap)
- Automated Computer Operated Robots
- Computer Keyboard Operated Robots
- Edge Avoider Robot
- GSM/Cellphone Operated Robot
- Photo Phobic Robot
- 4 Legged Walker Robot
- Distance Calculating Meter
- Keypad Controlled Step/speed of Stepper Motor
- Keypad Controlled Wired Robot using USB to TTL Tx Rx
- Keypad Controlled Wireless Robot using USB to TTL and X-bee Module
Projects Covered (Cont...)
- Wall Follower Robot
- Obstacle Avoider Robot
- Photo Tropic Robot
- Temp. Based Moving Robot
- 7-Segment Display/ Wall Clock
- Displaying Information on LCD
- Multiplexer 7-Segment Display/ Stop Watch
- Digital Counter using Seven Segment Display
- Digital Watch/Timer using AVR uC
- Home Automation Systems
- UART Communication with uC
- Moving Message Display
- Automated Attendance Systems with RF ID
- Cellphone Controlled SMART HOME
"PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML."
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Why use PHP?
- Open Source / Free software
- Cross Platform to Develop,to Deploy,and to Use
- Powerful,Rebust,Scalable
- Web Development Specific
- Object Oriented, Especially Version 5
- Large,active developer community
- 20 Milion Websites
2. Web & Cascading Style Sheets Designing
- Introduction to Web Designing
- About HTML
- Web Page Designing Using HTML Editor
3. PHP Basic & Advance
- Installation, Customization, Syntax
- Variables, String, Operators
- If-else, Switch, Arrays
- Looping, Function, Forms
- File Uploads
- Sending Emails from PHP
4. MySql
- Installation, customization, Database Structure
- Introduction MySql
- Principles of Database Programming from PHP
- Creating Tables, Adding and Changing Information
- Retrieving Information from a Table and Reporting it to a Web Page
- Deleting Tables, Joins
5. Writing good PHP applications
- Analysing the Requirement
- Designing the Application
- Multi-task PHP Scripts
- Writing Maintainable Code
- Error Checking and Data Integrity in a Multi-User Environment
- Good use of Functions and Include Files
- Separating HTML from Script from SQL
- Keeping Databases
- Portability Issues (Databases, Operating Systems, PHP Releases and Installation)
6. Designing Database Driven Websites
- Insertion, Updating, Retrieving, Deletion in MySql Tables using PHP
- Login Form, Enquiry Form, Guestbook & Dynamic Pages
Ethical Hacking
"An Ethical Hacker is an expert hired by a company to attempt to attack their network and computer system the same way a hacker world. Ethical Hackers use the same techniques and tactics as those used by illegal hackers to breach corporate security systems. The end result is the company's ability to prevent an intrusion before it ever occurs. Learn to Hack/Secure GMail, Yahoo, Facebook in just 15 days. Join SIP in Ethical hacking & be Certified Ethical Hacker."
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Ethical Hacking
- Introduction to Hacking
- Networking Concepts
- Hacking of Social Networking Sites
- Windows Hacking & Security (Key loggers)
- Password Cracking
- Trojans
- Foot Printing/ Information Gathering
- Virus & Worms
- Scanning
- Sniffers
- Phishing
- Fake Emails
- Trace Email
2. Projects Covered:(10 Working Project)
- Live Hacking of Social Networking Sites
- Steganography
- DOS Attack
- Virus Creation
- Woking with BackTrack
- Sending Fake Emails
- MITM Attack
- Windows Password Hacking
MATLAB With Robotics
"Robosapiens India, Now Came up with SIP-2014 in MATLAB With Robotics"
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Introduction to MATLAB
- How to Open, Quit and Work on Command Window
- Discussing about Important Command used in Command Window
- Work Space
- Command History
- How to use HELP and WEB HELP
- Some Important Matrix Operations
- Introduction to Some Operators
- Introduction to M-file Editor
- Editing and Debugging M-files
- Basic Plotting Functions
- Creating Plot
- Editing Plot
2. Image Processing Toolbox Images in Matlab
- Types of Images
- Types of Image Compression & Standard like JPEG, GIF
- Image Arithmetic
- Coordinate Systems
- Displaying Images etc
- Basic Image Related Functions
3. Spatial Transformation
- Interpolation
- Resizing
- Rotation
- Cropping
- Image Sequences
- Image Arithmetic
- Reading and Writing Image Data
- Displaying and Exploring Images
- Spatial Transformations (Resizing, Rotating, Cropping)
4. Linear Filtering
- Convolution
- Correlation
- Filter Design
- Use of Imfilter Function
5. Morphological Operations
- Dilation
- Erosion
- Closing & Opening
- Reconstruction
- Feature Measurement
6. Analyzing and Enhancing Images
- Pixel values & Statistics
- Image Analysis
- Image Enhancement
7. Region-Based Processing
- Filtering
- Filling
8. Color
- Conversion to Different Color Spaces
9. Practical Projects: 10 Projects
- Ball Tracker Robot
- Ball Follower Robot using Image Processing
- RGB Colour Detection using Matlab
- Virtual Touch Screen using Image Processing
- Object Detection
- Anti Theft system
- Image Acquisition
- Image conversion
- Image Transformation
- Blurring
- Image Processing using GUI
- GSM Function System using AT/API Command
- Mobile Controlled Robot/GSM Controlled Robot
- Image Matching
- Motion Detection
- Edge Detection
"The .NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It includes a largelibrary, and it supports several programming languages which allows language interoperability (each language can use code written in other languages). The .NET library is available to all the programming languages that .NET supports. Learn .NET with C# with a Complete Project in just 3 days. Let Join SIP in ASP .NET"
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Introduction to .Net
- ADO.Net
- ADO.Net Architechture
- Dataset, Connection & Command
- Data Reader & Data View
- Schemas & Transactions.
- ASP.Net & Advance Topics
- Introduction to ASP .Net & Web Forms
- HTML and Server Controls
- Form Validation
- State Management
Introduction to .Net (Cont...)
- Master Page and Caching
- Web Services
- AJAX with ASP.Net
- Security and Internationalization
- Crystal Report
- Introduction To C#
- Data Types and Control Statements
- Arrays and Structures
- Implementation of OOPs Concepts
Introduction to .Net (Cont...)
- Exception Handling
- Events and Delegates
- Generics and Collection
- File Handling
- Multithreading
- Memory Management
- Remoting
- ReflectionWindows Forms and Controls
- Live Project
8051 Embedded Systems
"The Intel 8051 microcontroller is one of the most popular general purpose microcontrollers in use today. The success of the Intel 8051 spawned a number of clones which are collectively referred to as the MCS-51 family of microcontrollers, which includes chips from vendors such as Atmel, Philips, Infineon, and Texas Instruments. 8051/8052 is being tought in syllabus of B.Tech/BE in various Indian & Internation universities. Learn ATMEL 89c51/89c52 and 89s51 and 89s52 series microcontroller with embedded 'C' "
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Advanced C programming
- Features of C Programming Language
- Program Structure & DATA Types Constants
- Variable Operators Assignment
- Looping
- Functions
- Pinter & Array
- Sorting Techniques
2. Intel 8051 microcontroller
- Micro Processors Vs Micro Controllers
- CISC Vs. RISC Architecture
- Input & Output Functions
- SFR Accessing & Addressing
- Interrupts
- Serial Communications
3. Embedded C programming using KEIL Software for ATMEL 8051/8052
- Assembly Vs. C
- Embedded Software Development, KIEL & SDCC
- Writing your First C program in Embedded C
- Simulation
- Debugging
4. Interfacing of Various Peripherals
- LED Display
- DIP Switch
- Intelligent LCD Display
- Matrix Keyboard
- Stepper Motors and Types of Stepper Motors
- Serial Communication Concepts
- Practices on Interfacing Circuits
- Practices of Serial Programmer
5. 10 Working Projects
- Digital Thermometer
- Decoration LEDs/ LED Patterns
- GSM Function System using AT/API Command
- Mobile Controlled Robot/GSM Controlled Robot
- 7-Segment Display/ Wall Clock
- Moving Massage LCD Display/ Blinking Message
- Multiplexer 7-Segment Display/ Stop Watch
- Black Line Follower using two IR-Sensor
- Line Follower using Signal Sensor
- Photo phobic Robot
- Sound Operated Robot
- white Line Follower using Two IR-Sensor
- Distance Calculating Meter
- Fetched GPS Data LCD Display
10 Working Projects (Cont...)
- Keypad Controlled Wired Robot using USB to TTL Tx Rx
- Keypad Controlled Wireless Robot using USB to TTL and X-bee Module
- Photo Tropic Robot
- Traffic Light Controller
- Digital Clock with Alarm
- PC -MC communication
- Infrared Remote Switch
- Digital Visitor Counter
- Device Controlling Through PC
- Automatic Plant Irrigation
- Electronic Voting Machine
- Home Security System
- Infrared Interruption Counter
- Temperature Controlled Fan
"Computer networks are interconnections of many computers. They share resources such as electronic mail, bulletin boards, and access to unique databases. Think of them as information highways for data. Networks are changing the computing paradigm from "number-crunching" to communicating. They have spawned industries such as the online industry, a collection of organizations providing information and communication services to remote customers via dial-up modems. In a computer network the individual stations, called "nodes," may be computers, terminals, or communication units of various kinds. Networks that are contained within a building or small geographical area are called local-area networks, or LANs. Below is SIP on computer networking and guides us to basic Computer Networking. Lets Join SIP in Networking."
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Introduction to Networking
- Primary Objective of Computer Networking
- Facilitate Sharing of Data
- Facilitate Access to Remote Information
- Selecting & Design the Network for an Organization
- Introduction to Networking and Networking Concepts
- Media to Connect: Wired & Wireless
- Network Topology: Star, Mesh, Ring, Tree, Hybrid
- Network Protocol: HTTP, FTP, DHCP, DNS etc
- Types of Network: LAN, CAN, MAN, WAN
- Need of Layered Architecture: OSI & TCP
- Application Layer: HTTP, FTP
- Transport Layer: TCP, Flow Control, Congestion Control
Introduction to Networking (Cont...)
- Network Layer: IP Addressing & Forwarding, Routing
- Data Link Layer: Framing, Error Detection & Recovery, MAC
- Physical Layer: Digital Data Communication Techniques
- Various Component used for Networking:
- Various Types of Cable: STP, UTP
- Connectors: BNC, Tee, RJ45
- Network Devices: Hub, Switches, Bridge, Router
- Introduction to IP Addressing:
- IP Addressing: IPV4, IPV6
- Class Full Addressing
- Class Less Addressing
- IP Routing: Multicasting, Broadcasting
Introduction to Networking (Cont...)
- Ethernet Standards
- Ethernet Standard IEEE 802.3
- 10Base2, 10Base5, 10BaseT
- LAN Standards
- Installing the NIC Card, MAC Address
- Structured Cabling
- LAN Practical
- TCP/IP Concepts and Configuration of IP Address
- Basic Network Troubleshooting
- Basics of Network Security
Android Application Development
"Robosapiens India Launches SIP in Android Application Development for all engineering under graduates in india."
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
4. Course Duration (45 Days)
Course Fees : 10900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Introduction to Android
- What is Android? Why Android?
- Introduction to Android Development
- Android Developer Tools
- Setting up your Development Environment
- Hello World - Your First Android Application
- Android Emulator
- Understanding the Directory Stucture of an Android Application
2. Introduction to Android Building Blocks
- Basic Android Building Blocks
- Android Manifest File
- Overview of Activities in Android
3. Deep Dive into Activities
- Activity Lifecycle
- Introduction to Intents
- Built in Intents
- Explicit Intents
- Multiple Activities
- Passing data to Activities
4. User Interface Basics
- Android Support for Building user Interface
- Basic Event Handling
- Basic Views in Android
- Android Layouts
- Writing your own Layouts
5. More on User Interface
- Built in Support for List & List Overview
- Option Menu
- Context Menu
6. Notifying the User
- Introduction to Difference Mechanism: Tost Dialogs & Notifications
- Working with Dialogs in Android
7. Storing Data
- Saving Users Preferences
- Working with Files
- Introduction to SQLite Database Support
8. Reaching Out
- Sending SMS Using Android
- Sending email Using Android
- Invoking Network Service
- Handling JSON/XML Data Response in your Application
9. Location
- Understanding Location Support in Android
- Working with Android GPS Sensors
- Using Google Maps
10. Building a Complete Android Application
- This Session will Focus on Building a Fully Fuctional Android Application that uses What We Have Learnt so Far
- Android Market Place Basics
- Getting your Application Ready for Publishing in Android Marketplace
11. Projects
- Various Small Android Project Demostrated for Taking Next Step in Android Apps Development
"To get handover aeromodelling technology & starting model aircraft designs. Understanding mechanisms involved in an Airplane, Helicopter, and Quadcopter. Started working on Unmanned Air Vehicle Flying Robot, Quad Copter, live version of its project and promote them to get participation in National level UAV event."
1. Course Duration (7 Days)
Course Fees : 5900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
2. Course Duration (15 Days)
Course Fees : 7900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
3. Course Duration (30 Days)
Course Fees : 8900/- (Including Free Trainign Kit, Certificate, & Training)
**Group Discount upto 12 %**
Course Content
1. Introduction to Quadcopter
- Embedded Systems Design
- Introduction to Controllers and Embedded Systems Design
- Working Principle
- Constructional Concepts
2. Quadcopter Frame
- Materials Used
- Designing Concepts
- Hands on Designing
- Developing of Quad Frame Models
- Types of Frame Structures & Consequences
3. 2.4 Ghz Radio Communication
- Transmitter Controls
- Controls Corresponding to Stabilization Techniques
- Power Limitations
- Types of Power Sources
- Frequency Selection
- Antenna Arrangement
- Coverage Considerations
- Orientations of Quad in terms of Coverage Distance
4. Radio Receiver
- Number of Channels
- Effective Utilization of Channels
- Connection Consideration of Various Configurations
- Consequences of Reception beyond Coverage Area
5. Multi Rotor Stabilization Controller
- Considerations & Concepts of Stability
- Component Explanation of the Board
- Layout of Board
- Operation of Gyroscopes
- Microcontroller Operation
- Variations in Output of ESC
- Gain Potentiometers
- ISP Flashing Techniques
6. Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
- Speed Control Techniques
- Ampere Rating of ESC
- Input Supply Considerations
- Data Signaling to ESC
- Battery Elimination Operation of ESCs
- Choosing Right ESCs for the Right Application
- Constructional Ideas of Building Your Own ESC
- Programming ESC
7. Propellers
- Type of Propellers
- Different Forces Acting on Propellers
8. BLDC Motors
- Wide Varieties of Motors
- Difference of a Normal DC Motor and BLDC Motor
- Applications of BLDC Motors
- Advantages of BLDC Motors
- Driving a BLDC Motor
- Characters, Commutation, Analysis & Evaluation Methods
- Speed Calculation
School Camp
"Robosapi School Camp"